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The experience through GLOBE started during Summer 2017, when I was completing my pre - academic program at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. GLOBE is a program aimed primarily to integrate international with local students and the UIUC community. This program consists in building leadership relationships among cohort members. These cohorts are created by the program for the duration of 1 academic period. Since I started my academic period at UIUC since spring 2017, I participated as a blue member of my cohorts. Blue members assume the role of leaders within each team, since they have more experience on campus, and their involvement is more interactive compared with orange members, who are the newest students on campus. As a blue member and though the experience in GLOBE I developed relationship and change management skill. At the same time, it reinforced me the concept of group dynamics and their formation process along the time. In addition, this experience served as motivation to develop global oriented mindset, since we are connected with people from different latitudes all over the world, which makes the experience very unique.    


Some of the experiences shared with GLOBE members during Summer and Fall 2017 comes from participation at different UIUC activities such as theater visits, concerts, christmas performances, UIUC games, to some other created by the program like Amazing race competition or ice-skating nights. All memories from such periods can be found at the Showcase 1.

Showcase 1 - GLOBE Experiences Summer / Fall 17

Through my participation at GLOBE I was able to make important connections. In fact, the closest friendship relationships I established come as a result of my interaction within this program. Telling about friends is a must, and it is impossible do not dedicate some few lines to describe the best friends that I made and what I learned from them. For this reason, I would to mention that I learned the marvelous mysteries of the Indian culture thanks to Rahul and Akanksha. Although Akanksha always had a busy schedule, she did her best to connect with us as much as she can, which shows commitment. Besides, Rahul taught me the importance of developing strong relationships through family and culture connections. we found out the similarities our cultures share, and the value of the family to contribute to your progress. Furthermore, I would to mention the some of the things I learned from the rest the friends I made: Kinan (U.S.A.) taught me dynamism and perseverance as part of a successful self-development. His dedication and enthusiasm really amaze me, and motivates me to mimic that path; Amira (Egypt) encouraged


 me to stand for equality and equity among all individuals regardless their social identities; Ainoa and Miguel (Spain), a beautiful couple from Spain, taught me that commitment is a very strong value to success affective relationships, and their example was more than explicative; Agung (Indonesia), motivated me to travel and enjoy the journey, as he usually did during his trips across the U.S.; Anvita (UAE) demonstrated me the power of envisioning your dreams and doing what is needed to accomplish them; Ricardo (Ecuador), remembered me the concept of enjoying the journey, and whatever goal or target that I pursue; Kayoko and Yuta (Japan), a couple of Japanese friends who showed the importance of communication and the several ways that it can be achieved to understand other’s ideas;  and Lamya (Iraq), who gave me an incredible example of pursuing your ideals and showing who you are, regardless cultural and religious barriers. Memories with these guys, which will be everlasting, are depicted at Showcase 2, when our Spring Break 2018 experience was really unforgettable.



For experiences like these, the journey through GLOBE contributed a lot to my leadership growth, to the extent that I was awarded for Outstanding Leadership at the end of the Spring 2018 Term. I am so grateful to Yun Shi and all the GLOBE team for making this journey unforgettable and unique.

Showcase 2 - GLOBE Experiences Spring 2018

Abel R. Vera






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